~1 Week in 1 Post~

GEEZ Sheradyn! Is it really that hard to keep to a simple schedule?! You haven’t posted in over a week!

Well alternate Sheradyn who is pretending to be her own readers, as you may know I’ve been sick this past week. Quite disastrously so. Seriously I couldn’t possibly count how many pieces of tissue I used in this past hellish week.

On the plus side I was able to lounge on the couch and binge watch lots of shows on Netflix!

So to make it up to you my oh so loyal readers I shall write each post I missed starting with last Monday!

MONDAY ♫~Stuck on Repeat~♫

Do I Wanna Know by the Arctic Monkeys (GREAT BAND!)

TUESDAY ~Movie Tuesday~

After my extensive relationship with the couch and Netflix this week I have new arsenal of mediocre movies but one film I watch was absolutely tremendous!

A Long Way Down.

This movie takes you on a journey of depression and suicide without making you feel depressed. It has the perfect blend of quirky, feel-good, sad, and heart-warming. I definitely recommend this movie! It’s on instant streaming on Netflix!

WEDNESDAY ~Hey Sheradyn, How’s Life?~

I was sick.

nuff said.

THURSDAY~Currently Reading~

I am/was currently reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

A little late on the bandwagon, eh?

Actually, it’s not really my choice to read it since it’s required reading for my English class (It never really interested me).

FRIDAY~Miscellaneous Friday~

Well, I enjoyed this quote quite thoroughly.

I’m gonna do my movie review in a separate post. Easier for me to organize. As it is, I have no clue how sort this post…

I hope this makes up for my lack of posting the past week. :)

Have a marvelous day!
