~1 Week in 1 Post~

GEEZ Sheradyn! Is it really that hard to keep to a simple schedule?! You haven’t posted in over a week!

Well alternate Sheradyn who is pretending to be her own readers, as you may know I’ve been sick this past week. Quite disastrously so. Seriously I couldn’t possibly count how many pieces of tissue I used in this past hellish week.

On the plus side I was able to lounge on the couch and binge watch lots of shows on Netflix!

So to make it up to you my oh so loyal readers I shall write each post I missed starting with last Monday!

MONDAY ♫~Stuck on Repeat~♫

Do I Wanna Know by the Arctic Monkeys (GREAT BAND!)

TUESDAY ~Movie Tuesday~

After my extensive relationship with the couch and Netflix this week I have new arsenal of mediocre movies but one film I watch was absolutely tremendous!

A Long Way Down.

This movie takes you on a journey of depression and suicide without making you feel depressed. It has the perfect blend of quirky, feel-good, sad, and heart-warming. I definitely recommend this movie! It’s on instant streaming on Netflix!

WEDNESDAY ~Hey Sheradyn, How’s Life?~

I was sick.

nuff said.

THURSDAY~Currently Reading~

I am/was currently reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

A little late on the bandwagon, eh?

Actually, it’s not really my choice to read it since it’s required reading for my English class (It never really interested me).

FRIDAY~Miscellaneous Friday~

Well, I enjoyed this quote quite thoroughly.

I’m gonna do my movie review in a separate post. Easier for me to organize. As it is, I have no clue how sort this post…

I hope this makes up for my lack of posting the past week. :)

Have a marvelous day!


~Currently Reading~

It’s Thursday…

It’s ~Currently Reading~ Thursday and I haven’t read a goddamn thing.

Maybe I should change the name to ~What are you currently not reading because you’re too “busy” for such an enjoyable pastime?~ But that would be completely impractical.

To be honest, I don’t have a usable excuse as to why I haven’t been reading.

“I’ve broken all of my fingers and am unable to turn the pages”

“The mafia came to my house and told me if I read this week they’d break my knee-caps”

“A bear ate all my books”

“I no longer speak English”

“Je ne parle pas d’anglais.”

“I was abducted by aliens”

“Nazis burned all my books”

“All my books are on strike”

“My fairy godmother turned all my books into frogs”

“I had to burn my books for warmth”

“A horde of trees uprooted themselves from the ground and trekked across thousands of miles to try and stop the slaughtering of their kind. They tracked a multitude of books back to my house and imprisoned me in a cage made of their thorny branches and then made me swear to never read another book or else they’d never let me go.”

Okay, you get the picture. I guess the truth is I’ve been more interested in movies the past few weeks. Not just any movies, Charlie Chaplin movies. That’s excusable, yes?

Modern Times, The Great Dictator, The Kid, The Gold Rush, City Lights. All of these films I’ve been seriously obsessed with.

So you can take your judgmental thoughts to some other book reviewing blog because you probably won’t find one here any time soon.

Just kidding, I’ll start reading and reviewing again soon! :)

In the meantime, I’m sorry if I let anyone down, that was never my intention.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day and I’ll post again tomorrow!
